
The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus is the “good news”—the “gospel”. It is the fulfillment of the biblical story. But the “good news” of Jesus doesn’t stop there. The resurrection of Jesus is the beginning of something new, a present reality and a future hope.

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Amy OrthComment

Jesus is God’s grace in person, his reaching toward us from the beginning with the gift of his kindness, his forgiveness, and his compassion, not because of anything we have done to earn it or deserve it, but simply because he is our Creator, Father, God, and we are his beloved image-bearing children.

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Amy Orth Comment

Love is foundational to our Creator God's design and purpose for his creation. In today’s culture, “love” is a word that’s used in many contexts. The English language has one word for “love”. We use the word to talk about how we feel about our deepest relationships, but we also use it to describe how we feel about our favorite sports teams or our favorite foods. In fact, we use this one word so frequently and in so many different ways, its meaning has become diluted and its power weakened. Love was the cornerstone of Jesus' message. What did he mean by it?

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Amy OrthComment

The symbolic creation story tells us that humans were created in the image of our Creator, chosen to carry his image and likeness—his light, his love, and his life. That’s who we were created to be, but does the story also tell us why we were we created—the reason or intention behind it?

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Amy OrthComment

Jesus not only reveals the Image of our Creator God, but he also shows us who we are. Through him, we find our true identity, our “oneness” as Image-bearing children of the Creator, and also, our “uniqueness” as a part of the colorful diversity of the human family and the beauty of creation itself.

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Amy OrthComment
Light and Darkness

Light is a spiritual symbol in the Bible, but it also has meaning within most religious and spiritual belief systems. On the literal level, it represents one’s ability to see clearly, but symbolically, it is also associated with life, wisdom, goodness, truth, hope, and divine presence. Jesus told His followers that He is the light of the world. What did He mean?

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Amy OrthComment

What we believe about the image of our Creator God impacts how we interpret the whole biblical story. In fact, our concept of God influences almost everything about how we live our lives. Jesus' words and actions caused the disciples to re-think everything they thought they knew about their God, to rethink what they thought he wanted from them, and to rethink what it looked like to reflect his image into the world. What about you? What are your thoughts about the image of our Creator God?

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Amy OrthComment
Kingdom Story

Just like the disciples, when the story God has been telling in the Bible is reinterpreted through the lens of Jesus, our eyes are opened to see things we had never seen before, all our assumptions and expectations are challenged, and everything we thought we knew about God, about ourselves, and about how we view others and the world around us, is radically changed.

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Amy OrthComment